Nutraceuticals & Supplements


Why do we need skin supplements?
The reason that we need to supplement is because when it comes to key skin nutrients such as vitamin A, omegas and vitamin C, we simply don't get enough through diet to get the optimal daily amount even though we may hit the recommended daily allowance (which aim is to stop us from getting scurvy)vitamin B7, biotin plays an important role in helping the body metabolize proteins which are needed to produce healthy skin, hair, and nail cells The specific nutrients in hair, skin, and nail supplements include antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and E, or Coenzyme Q10, and also biotin, a B-complex vitamin. Over time, for instance, insufficient intake of vitamins A and E can cause rough, scaly skin patches. A deficiency of biotin may cause eczema and hair loss.

What does hair skin and nail supplements do?
These supplements are supposed to do just that: supplement the vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids we get from our diets to keep hair, skin, and nails healthy. Most supplements meant to stimulate hair and nail growth or brighten and clear skin contain some combination of biotin, fish oil, and Vitamins A, C, and E.
Excia is an advanced skin fairness formula with 500mg of L – Glutathione complex for maximum increase in serum glutathione with gives maximum fairness and lightens skin tone. Glutathione, Vitamin C, Marine Collagen, Grapes Seed Extract, Green Tea Extract.
Glutathione, Vitamin C, Marine Collagen, Grapes Seed Extract, Green Tea Extract, Vitamin D3,Vitamin B1,B2,B6Vitamin E, folic acid , Iron,Calcium,Zinc,Co-Enzyme Q10
How to use
One capsule twice a day after meals or as recommended by the dietitian.
Store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight , temperature should be below 25c

Availability - In Stock
Price - 3480/- LKR




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